At the Math Learning Center, we believe that all students can make sense of mathematics. Some students just need more time, more opportunities, and more support than others. Our approach emphasizes problem solving, the use of faithful visual models, and a focus on developing fluency. In March 2021, the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) and the What Works Clearinghouse released a new version of...
It’s spring! The sun is shining, plants are growing, and frogs and bugs abound. At The Math Learning Center, we’ve created some fun activities with springtime themes to help get your math blooming! Like February’s popular Share the Math Love celebration, each of the following activities includes the Share Your Work feature. You can send students a link or code to access the activity, and students...
Now more than ever, families are looking for ways to support their students’ mathematics education. They may not know where to start—the Bridges in Mathematics approach might appear a bit different from the way they were taught math. How can Bridges educators offer families a chance to see what a Bridges classroom looks like? How can they offer ideas and options for fostering their students’ math...
The 3Rs—Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic—have been foundational in education for thousands of years. My recent book, The Fourth R , adds to that list Reasoning/computational thinking. It concerns using human brains and computer brains, individually and working together, to solve problems and accomplish thoughts. Like each of the traditional 3Rs, computational thinking is both a discipline of study...
The array model, used throughout Bridges, is the subject of “Arrays, Multiplication and Division” by Jennie Pennant from The piece outlines how the array model supports development of a sense of multiplicative relationships and describes how to move students from building multiplication facts and tables to exploring division as the inverse operation of multiplication. The author...
"Assessment should be more than merely a test at the end of instruction to see how students perform under special conditions; rather it should be an integral part of instruction that informs and guides teachers as they make instructional decisions." – NCTM Although the role of assessment has become a complex and sometimes charged topic, the daily reality of assessment in the classroom remains both...
The new and improved Free Products page in our online catalog features a fresh look, new category descriptions, and additional products. The newly created Lessons & Activities categories contain over 150 individual Bridges supplement sets as well as grade level correlations to the Common Core State Standards. These teacher materials and worksheets that can be used with any curriculum. In addition...
MLC’s online catalog now features complete sections for Bridges and Number Corner Second Edition including pages for all grade-level products K-5. “We are gratified by educators’ enthusiasm for the Second Edition”, said Rick Ludeman, MLC president. He added,“The new product pages allow us to share more details about the extensive set of classroom materials that come with each classroom package.” A...
Bridges in Mathematics second edition, is a comprehensive K–5 mathematics curriculum that equips teachers to fully implement the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics in a manner that is rigorous, coherent, engaging, and accessible to all learners. The curriculum focuses on developing students’ deep understandings of mathematical concepts, proficiency with key skills, and ability to solve...