The Math Learning Center Blog

Our team offers insights and happenings in elementary math education and the Bridges in Mathematics curriculum. 

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Great Teachers Love Learning

Most of us can recall one or more favorite teachers from school. I encountered my three favorite teachers well along in my educational path. All of them were at one time professors at the University of Oregon, which may or may not have something to do with my love for the Oregon Ducks. Dr. Robert Sylwester was a professor of education, an author, and was widely known for his study of brain...
Dan Raguse, Past MLC Executive Director

TEAs for Seesaw Webinar Replay

Below you will find the full replay of the TEAs for Seesaw webinar we hosted earlier this week with Seesaw’s Kris Szajner. These TEAs, short for Tech-Enhanced Activities, are available on the Seesaw platform for grades K–2 and are linked from the Bridges Educator Site (login required). The webinar provided an overview of the resources, previewed a sample activity, and answered questions about...

Using Seesaw to Elicit Student Thinking

In this series of blog posts, we highlight educators in the field who are using remote learning resources intentionally to build classroom community, collaboration, and student sense-making. With the shift in 2020–21 to hybrid and remote environments, collecting authentic formative and summative assessment data presents a challenge. NCTM describes the role assessments play for student learning in...

Planning for the Second Half of 2020-21

As you prepare for the remainder of the school year, we’d like to offer some guidance and suggestions regarding the use of the revised scope and sequence and the tech-enhanced activities. Scope and Sequence Knowing that 2020-21 would be a school year unlike any other, we released guidelines for planning to help teachers and districts navigate the uncertainty. Those guidelines include a revised...

Student-Centered Learning in Asynchronous Environments

In this series of blog posts, we highlight educators in the field who are using remote learning resources intentionally to build classroom community, collaboration, and student sense-making. In a recent post , Ed Tech Specialist Tod Johnston discusses how educators can leverage digital tools to position students as active partners in their learning. Digital tools are a necessity during this time...

Using Remote Learning Resources in Hybrid Learning Environments

In this series of blog posts, we highlight educators in the field who are using remote learning resources intentionally to build classroom community, collaboration, and student sense-making. This year, Bridges educators are adapting instruction to unique situations and varied circumstances. While some Bridges educators are teaching in person (with safety protocols in place) or 100% remotely, many...

Using Remote Learning Resources to Build Community

In this series of blog posts, we highlight educators in the field who are using remote learning resources intentionally to build classroom community, collaboration, and student sense-making. Bridges educators strive to develop safe learning environments that foster inclusivity and collaboration. This environment creates a space for students to develop a sense of belonging and engage in learning...

Using Remote Learning Resources to Support Mathematical Discourse

Editor's note: In this series of blog posts, we highlight educators in the field who are using remote learning resources intentionally to build classroom community, collaboration, and student sense-making. Educators share with us that one of the aspects of the Bridges classroom they miss the most this year is their turn-and-talk routine. Teachers wish they could hear the voices of their students...

Using Share Codes with MLC Apps in a Remote Setting

In a remote environment, how can Bridges educators provide appropriate scaffolds and be responsive to student thinking? Sharing MLC apps with students can be a powerful approach, particularly when working with students in an asynchronous setting. What does it mean to share with an MLC app? Put simply, Bridges educators can build a “saved state” task that they share with their students by way of an...

Number Corner Aligns

Learning List , a K-12 instructional materials evaluation service, recently released independent alignment reports and an editorial review of Number Corner second edition. Grades K-5 were found to address on average 95% of the Common Core State Standards. Correlations to the Texas state standards (TEKS) are also available from MLC and Learning List. "The objective third-party reviews offered by...
Jami Smith