Home Learning Resources
Classrooms may be different this year, but math learning can continue! The Math Learning Center (MLC) is providing resources for all students to use independently or with support from family members or educators.
Math At Home
A website filled with fun daily math activities, collections of practice pages, family games, and online games. Please share with anyone who would appreciate ready access to free resources. No login or registration required. Go to Math at Home website

Additional Resource for Bridges Educators

Our goal at MLC is to provide meaningful assistance for Bridges classrooms during this unprecedented situation. For as long as necessary, we’ll provide resources that support your students’ continued learning. Find additional resources for Bridges Second Edition educators available on the Bridges Educator Site. (Login required.)
Go to Bridges Resources & Support page
Frequently Asked Questions
My child’s teacher sent home some student book pages. Can I have access to an answer key or purchase a teacher’s edition?
Your child’s teacher is the best source of information for assignments that have been sent home. Answer keys are available only to educators who teach in schools or districts that have adopted the Bridges in Mathematics Second Edition curriculum. (8/11/21)
Educator Support
How can teachers prioritize areas of the Bridges curriculum to emphasize?
The Bridges Scope & Sequence documents outline the major work of the grade and identify modules to skip if necessary. Unit screeners and activities for reengagement help educators assess and address potential areas of need as they arise during the year. See Remote Learning Resources (BES login required). (8/11/21)
Does MLC provide digital activities for Bridges classrooms?
We provide a variety of digital resources to support daily work with students.
Tech-Enhanced Activities (TEAs) correspond with and support sessions and tasks in Bridges in Mathematics Second Edition. Look for about one TEA per module in grades K–5. All TEAs are available in Google format, with some also available in Seesaw. See Resources and Support for 2021–22 (BES login required).
Student Work Places are interactive Work Places that students can access on their own computers or tablets via teacher-provided links (BES login required).
- Activities from Math at Home can be used to supplement instruction (no login required). (8/11/21)
Can students have access to materials on the Bridges Educator Site (BES), such as Work Places, student workbooks, and Digital Display Materials (DDMs)?
Students do not have direct access to the Bridges Educator Site, but they can access Student Work Places via teacher-provided links (the teacher needs their BES login, but students do not need to log in). Also, anyone can access Math at Home activities and resources at any time (no login required). (8/12/21)
May I post Bridges in Mathematics Second Edition materials in a learning management system (LMS) such as Canvas or Google Classroom?
We assume the materials in an LMS are password protected (i.e., students and families need to log in for access) and do not object to posting Bridges materials in this context. In fact, we allow materials to be emailed to families if a district does not have a secure mechanism for distributing materials. We consider email equivalent to sending physical materials home with the student in their backpack or folder. (8/11/21)
May I share Bridges in Mathematics Second Edition materials on social media for students and families to access?
You may share downloaded PDFs of student materials with students and families, but only through email or a secure platform like Google Classroom. Bridges in Mathematics Second Edition materials may not be shared through unsecured social media or other sites. On the other hand, all resources on the Math at Home site are open to the public and may be shared via social media. (8/11/21)
What resources are available for students who do not have internet access at home?
If student workbooks can’t be sent home, consider printing student pages from the Bridges Educator Site for use at home. Also, activities and games from the Math at Home website can be printed and sent home. (8/11/21)
Bridges Intervention
Are there e-worksheets based on the Bridges in Mathematics and Bridges Intervention materials?
MLC encourages schools and educators to use the Bridges Writable PDFs apps (BES login required, but educators can share with students, who do not need a login) as a digital worksheet solution. Alternatively, you might consider using PDFs downloaded from the Bridges Educator Site along with an app such as BitPaper, Kami, Evernote, or Notability to let students show their work. (8/12/21)
What resources and support are available for Bridges Intervention?
In addition to the Bridges Intervention Writable PDFs App, we suggest the following when working with students who need intervention:
- Use our Math at Home resources to find material appropriate to the student’s current needs. For example, a Grade 2 activity might provide the support and practice a Grade 4 student needs.
- The U.S. Math Recovery Council offers short videos and game suggestions that support computational fluency in a game-like format. (8/12/21)
Bridges Pre-K
Will Digital Display Materials be made available for Bridges Pre-K?
Bridges Pre-K does not include Digital Display Materials. Our curriculum developers made a deliberate decision to minimize the technology required for Bridges Pre-K because learning occurs “from the hand to the head” for the youngest students. In the Bridges Pre-K curriculum, students interact with geometric shapes, pattern blocks, and other manipulatives to develop understanding. Kinesthetic learning could be compromised if students are asked to complete similar activities on a device. That said, other pre-K resources, including video read-alouds of selected math stories, are available on the Math at Home site. (8/12/21)
Spanish Materials
What materials are available in Spanish?
In addition to Bridges in Mathematics Second Edition student and curriculum materials in Spanish (such as student books, print masters, game and activity components, Digital Display Materials, and student-facing Student Work Places), MLC offers these digital resources in Spanish:
- Bridges Writable PDFs Apps (BES login required) for grades K–5 and Bridges Intervention include both English and Spanish.
- Math at Home activities (no login required). Most activities are available in Spanish, and we continue to add new ones as they become available.
- Tech-Enhanced Activities (BES login and Bridges in Mathematics for K–5 required; visit a grade-level page to find activities by unit and module). Spanish materials are available from links within each TEA’s Implementation Guide. Materials for many TEAs are available in Spanish now, and more will be added as they become available.
- Bridges Intervention Tech Resources (BES login required). Look for links to Spanish versions of the Tech Resources above each volume’s resource chart. (8/12/21)