Math and the Mind's Eye Teacher Leader
Math and the Mind’s Eye has helped shape the career of Suzanne Hossler , a middle school mathematics teacher for the Clark County School District in Las Vegas, Nevada.
As Suzanne tells the story, “During my student teaching in 1989 I was privileged to watch a fourth grade classroom using MLC materials. I was so fascinated with the materials, how the students responded, and the depth of understanding that resulted from their interactions that my focus shifted from English to Mathematics. Twenty-two years later I still use the Math and the Mind’s Eye materials, along with the Visual Math program, to teach middle school students and their teachers too.” In 2005 Suzanne was a Presidential Award winner based on her work with Math and the Mind’s Eye units.
Last year, Suzanne was the recipient of donated Math and the Mind’s Eye units that she put to use in her role as a Math Lesson Studies Cadre leader. She explains, “I use the materials to help other teachers learn how to model in the mathematics classroom and help students to move beyond ‘doing math’ to understanding math.” Most recently Suzanne led cadre participants through the Seeing Geometry unit, looking at alternative ways to teach area, perimeter, and the Pythagorean Theorem.
Rick Ludeman is president of MLC.