Share the Math Love with MLC's Pattern Shapes App

Kim Markworth, Director of Content Development

At MLC, we’ve put our hearts into supporting teachers in various ways throughout this school year.

One of our most popular offerings, for Bridges and non-Bridges educators, is our collection of Free Math Apps, based on the visual models featured in Bridges in Mathematics. In December 2020, the number of visits to MLC’s Math Apps were more than ten times higher than visits in December 2019. If these free Math Apps are supporting your instruction this year, we’re glad to hear it!

One of the newer features of the Math Apps is the ability to share your work. Teachers can use the sharing features to communicate and share problems, while students can share their own work with peers and their teacher.

Now, we are pleased to announce that the sharing feature has most recently been added to the Pattern Shapes app! If you’re new to this feature, you can learn more by watching the Share Work with Others video on the Free Math Apps homepage.

screenshot of pattern shapes app

We hope you enjoy the shared problems and activities that we’ve compiled here at MLC. Explore these problems on your own, present them to your students, and share the math love! And if you’re inspired, you can use the sharing feature to create your own problems, whether it’s in the Pattern Shapes app or one of the other seven apps that boast this feature. Enjoy!

Prompt 1: Which Heart Doesn’t Belong?


Prompt 2: Filling Hearts



Prompt 3: Symmetrical Heart Design



Prompt 4: Heart Values



Prompt 5: Same & Different Hearts

