Bridges in Mathematics

Building Mathematical Thinkers

Inquiry-based and student-centered, Bridges focuses on developing mathematical reasoning while creating an inclusive and equitable learning community for all students.

Rich Learning Experiences

In a Bridges classroom, students gather evidence, explain their results, and develop respect for others’ opinions. Teachers encourage students to employ multiple strategies when solving problems. They foster student initiative by providing opportunities to work in pairs, discuss in small groups, or share with the whole class. As a result, students develop positive math identities while building problem-solving skills, conceptual understanding, and procedural fluency.

Math Learning Center aims to engage students through hands-on classroom experiences.

Inclusive Learning Environments

Bridges Third Edition brings focus to representation, provides guidance for creating an inclusive learning environment, and includes revised tasks that support equity.

Visual Models Deepen Understanding

Bridges utilizes visual models that build on one another across grade levels. These materials and manipulatives let students represent and interpret numbers, shapes, and patterns—and make sense of mathematics.

Active Learning

Bridges fosters collaboration by incorporating familiar mathematical and instructional routines, ensuring that each student feels heard. Students have opportunities to think independently and work in pairs or small groups before sharing strategies with the whole class. The integration of The Math Learning Center’s apps further encourages active investigation.

Key Elements of Bridges Third Edition

Problems & Investigations

Whole-group activities transition into individual and partner work, followed by a whole-class strategy-sharing session.

Work Places

Engaging games and activities allow students to apply the concepts they explore in Problems & Investigations.

Number Corner

A daily program develops reasoning with inquiry-based activities that engage students in pattern recognition, concept development, and conjecture.

Concept Quests

Rich, open-ended tasks provide horizontal enrichment and additional opportunities for all students to problem solve.

Implementation Support

Professional Learning

New adoption sites receive a free Getting Started workshop led by an experienced Bridges educator. Webinars, online courses, videos, and articles build on the professional learning embedded in the Bridges materials. Additional offerings include the Bridges Leadership Institute, and workshops focused on equitable and effective teaching practices.

Bridges Educator Site

In addition to digital versions of the Teachers Guides and student-facing print materials, the Bridges Educator Site (BES) includes videos, an extensive professional development library, and tips from Bridges classroom teachers. The BES also offers district leaders, principals, and coaches resources to support implementation at the school or district level.

Customer Support

Our customer experience team is dedicated to ensuring you get timely answers to questions that might arise during evaluation or implementation. In addition to their own knowledge, they have access to our subject-matter experts and cadre of experienced Bridges educators.

Your Math Learning Center regional team is here to help.

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The Buzz About Bridges

Bridges has been so effective. My students are challenged and engaged, and parents and administrators are very impressed. I am very confident that my students learned far more in math this year than in previous years.

Grade 5 teacher — Durham, NC

My daughter never liked math before this year. Now she will not miss school for anything because she'd miss Bridges. That math program you're using is great!

Grade 5 parent — Evansville, WY

I wanted to let you know how much my students and I enjoyed the "quick sketch" model for multiplying larger numbers. It is nice to be able to put a visual in student's hands to help them understand a normally complicated process. 

Grade 4 teacher — Ft. Bridger, WY

Bridges really helped me pull all of the pieces together in terms of content, delivery, and motivation. My students really excel in math, and I owe much of that to this curriculum.

Kindergarten Teacher and Presidential Award Winner — Roseburg, OR

I used to wish math would go by fast because I didn't get it and I also hoped my teacher wouldn't call on me. But now I hope we do math all day long because I love it so much. 
I also like to go up to the board and share and explain my thinking!

Grade 5 student — Evansville, WY

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